We held our AGM on 19th March.
Angela (co-chair) reported on our activities including the Net Zero and Air Quality talks and called for volunteers to help our stall at Urban Wild (June 1st.) She thanked everyone who contributed inlcuding the project leads, newsletter editor, treasurer, co-chair Mark ad our reps on the Southampton Climate Commission.
The Treasurer’s report highlighted a healthy bank balance, with net spend last year £200 greater than income. Repair cafe donations are the biggest source of income.
We re-elected the current officers and committee unopposed. However, new people are welcome to join the committee – please contact us if you’d be interested.
Angela reported on the Repair Cafe which continues to run 2 cafes per month across 4 sites. She thanked the organisers at each venue and al the volunteers and noted that customers often comment on the expertise, friendliness, patience and helpfulness of our repairers.
Stephen reported on the Bike Kitchen which continues at The Hub with around 50 bikes per year. Customer comments include: “It’s all worked great! Feels like a brand new bike”; “A massive thank you for the guys sorting my gears out, learnt a lot tonight.”
Rhia sent a report on Bitterne Park Growing Places which held a successful seed swap at Bitterne Station in March and will be organising a May plant trail once new coordinator Robyn is in post. Grant monies for Bitterne Park Growing Places also supported the mushroom-growing initiative at Polygon Growing Places.
Kevin reported on Rat-Proof Composting which continues to roll out our steel collars both in the City and beyond, with Henley-on-Thames being the most recent. We have installations at two schools and interst frm others, though some schools lack the resources to buy bins and/or collars. The Green Gardening Consultancy is currently on hold owing to time pressures.
Mark introduced the Green Open Homes Week 13-21 Sept – a call for more volunteers resulted in two more homes being offered. We are aiming for 20 properties and will also include some local businesses.
Liz spoke about the Devolution proposals which will see a Mayor for Hampshire and Solent in 2026. The Mayor and Mayoral Combined County Authority will be responsible for strategic planning and there will be four Unitary Authorities (a separate local government reorganisation to complete in 2028) will be responsible for delivery. The consultation document includes support for “unicorn” technologies like carbon capture and storage but does not include a statutory duty for the Mayor to Climate and Nature Strategy and Plan. We will be making a response and our next newsletter will contain suggestions for individuals to respond to the consulatation (deadline 13 April.)
The meeting was followed by a fun eco-themed quiz which also highlighted the deep knowledge our members have regarding all the green spaces in Southampton! Catering by Easy TZ meals was appreciated.