A handy guide to help you respond with climate change in mind. Response deadline: 3rd January 2023.
Every now and again we citizens of Southampton get a chance to add our own hopes, wishes and dreams to the Council’s plans for our great city. Right now, we have one of those chances – it’s time to have your say about Southampton City Vision, a consultation by Southampton City Council on how future development should happen. Deadline is 3rd January.
A quick guide… how to respond
Think of it as a Christmas quiz with a difference! It takes about two minutes to see what’s in the Plan, and tell the Council how you feel about it: Quick Survey | Your City Your Say Southampton – share it with friends and family too.
If you would like to take a deeper dive into the full consultation, click the link and choose the sections that interest you: City Vision | Your City Your Say Southampton – the deadline is 3rd January
The bigger picture
As you might imagine, Transition Southampton has taken a keen interest in how ambitious the Local Plan is. Net zero carbon, generating renewable energy and sustainable transport infrastructure, as well as improving biodiversity and green spaces, are all part of future-proofing the city. We asked a few people who are knowledgeable about these things to give us their thoughts and we’ve reproduced them below for you to read. Feel free to use their ideas when it comes to choosing options in the consultation.
Read the views of our experts
Click here to view our expert commentaries on a range of topics including biodiversity, parks and green spaces, carbon emissions reduction in new development, transport and much more.
What we think
We’ve written a response to the consultation which covers issues that are broader than the options given. We want the Local Plan to have a clear vision for the future (to 2040 – the lifetime of this Plan) which is bold and provides a strategy and interim goals for a zero carbon future for the whole City. Many local authorities are writing their Local Plans to ensure the planning system gives full weight to the legal obligation to meet net zero carbon by 2050. We want our Council to do the same. Read our full response here.