Southampton Local Plan – Expert Commentaries


Southampton National Park City, Hampshire and IOW Wildlife Trust, Southampton Common and Parks Protection Society, Dr Clare Diaper and Dr Luke Blunden have shared their feedback about various aspects of biodiversity, nature recovery, the Green Grid and decentralised and renewable energy. Click on the links above to read their contributions.

How to respond

Go to the Environment section of the Local Plan: Environment | Your City Your Say Southampton and choose the headings that interest you (you don’t have to read all the sections!). Feel free to use ideas from the opinions shared by our contributors and/or add your own.

Transport and Movement

Read some thoughts from Dr Richard McIlroy from Southampton University’s Transport Research Group.

How to Respond

Go to the Transport and movement section of the Local Plan: Transport and Movement | Your City Your Say Southampton and click on the link to the survey. Feel free to use ideas from the opinions shared by our contributor and/or add your own. See also comments re buses at the end of Mark Hancock’s commentary below.

The Green Economy

Ideas from Dr Tammi Sinha of University of Southampton about what business needs from the Local Plan – resilience, circularity and ambition. Tammi has identified that this clarity is missing from the Economy section – what can the planning system do to support our businesses transitioning to a green economy? This is probably the most appropriate location for your comments: Comments | Your City Your Say Southampton

Thoughts from our co-chair, Mark Hancock, on how ambitions for the green economy are, or aren’t, represented in the draft Local Plan. Links are in the document as well as here: Economy | Your City Your Say Southampton


Read some ideas from Nathan Brown of Co-op Culture on self-build housing provision in the city

How to respond

Go to the Homes section of the Local Plan: Homes | Your City Your Say Southampton and use ideas from Nathan’s commentary (under Housing Mix) or answer any of the questions in the Homes section.

Building Energy

Mark Hancock, co-chair of Transition Southampton has written a helpful guide to answering parts of the consultation concerned with embodied emissions in new builds, energy efficiency and renewables.

Development Principles

This section needs to be read alongside the other sections, as it contains important and relevant information that isn’t cross-referenced: Development Principles | Your City Your Say Southampton. It includes information on DE7 Energy and Net Zero Carbon Buildings – see the commentary by Mark Hancock, co-chair of Transition Southampton.

A video from the Planning Inspectorate