Our popular sustainable living guide began as an companion to our “sustainable open homes” exhibition in 2014, sharing ideas and tips for living more sustainably in our city. The 2nd edition in 2016 featured a new “repairs and spares” map, and in October 2018 “Imagine Southampton,” an updated 3rd edition, was published with funding support from the Church of the Immaculate Conception in Portswood. By March 2020 we had run out of copies of this and were about to print an updated version when the pandemic hit!
We are now about to print a new guide. Below is the drafft content, together with some additional informtion. If you spot any errors or omissions please get in touch via our contact page. We focus on local, Southampton based resources and links wherever possible.

Southampton is a great city with a history going back to the Stone Age. It has been a Roman settlement, a Medieval port and a Georgian spa town. It has its problems, including although suffering from poverty and air pollution, and as a coastal city is at risk of sea level rise. But it is also a City of Sanctuary – and soon will be a National Park City (see Southampton National Park City’s website www.southamptonnpc.com)
Transition Southampton Is a community of volunteers who care about making our city happier, healthier and greener. We work with local communities, organisations and local Government and our activities include practical projects, talks, social events and more. Everything we do comes from the passions of our volunteers.
In 2016 we ran a series of meetings called Imagine Southampton, imagining what a happier, healthier,
greener city would look like. Our Time Machine project continues this theme by inviting participants to imagine a trip to 2030.
SoCAN (Southampton Climate Action Network)
We are founder members of SoCAN, a coalition of community groups, organisations, businesses and individuals that promotes Southampton’s work towards becoming an environmentally sustainable and
regenerative city. SoCAN now hosts our Southampton Sustainability Directory which contains information on the groups, people, businesses and organisations making a positive difference to our city. The directory contains much more information and useful links than we have space for in this guide. www.sotoncan.org.uk
We were part of SoCANs series of 2023-24 workshops on Doughnut Economics, an economic model that considers both human needs and the planet’s limits. https://www.kateraworth.com/doughnut/ The doughnut ring represents the ‘safe and just space for humanity where we can all thrive amid the abundance of the natural world. The hole in the middle is where people lack adequate access to shelter, education, water, food, equality, freedom etc (the UN development goals.) Outside the ring is
We are taking too much of the earth’s resources, leading to climate change, water stress, biodiversity loss etc (the nine planetary boundaries.) Doughnut Economics prompts the question “How can Southampton be home to thriving people, in a thriving place while respecting the well-being of everyone and the health of the whole planet?” This guide aims to help answer this question.
Many of the ideas in this guide will save you money. If you are lucky enough to have spare cash, the guide also contains suggestions for using your money for the benefit of planet and people. building a better Southampton.
HOMES: how can we all have comfortable homes while reducing our greenhouse gas emissions?
WATER: how can we enjoy this precious resource in our homes and the landscape while reducing pollution and over-use?
“STUFF”: how can we live within our means on our finite planet without exploiting the people who make our goods?
TRAVEL: how can we get around our city and visit other places without damaging our environment?
FOOD GARDENING & BIODIVERSITY how can we grow healthy food without harming the natural world we depend on?
COMMUNITY & LOCAL ECONOMY how can we build a fairr, inclusive society and ensure that more of the money generated in our city stays here to support the local economy?
How can we create a Southampton where every home, whether owned or rented, is warm and comfortable, and where our homes take as little of the earth’s resources as feasible?
Homes contribute some 25% of UK carbon emissions, so the more you can do to insulate yours, the better. Most heat is lost from a home through walls and roof, so if you are able to, insulate these first. Loft insulation should be at least 250mm. Try cheap, simple methods like draught-excluders, thermal curtains and reflective foil behind radiators. Fill unwanted gaps around doors etc but never block essential ventilation such as air bricks.
The Environment Centre (tEC) offers sustainability know-how for homes, communities and businesses in Southampton: tel 0800 804 8601 www.environmentcentre.com
Retrofit Southampton is a platform for residents of Southampton to connect with each other and share energy saving retrofit experiences. It also offers impartial advice and guidance to owners of older properties on how to them more energy efficient, and raises awareness of energy crisis issues and their effect on people in Southampton. https://retrofitsouthampton.org/
The Great British Insulation Scheme is a Government scheme offering grants for home insulation to those on low incomes, including tenants. www.gov.uk/apply-great-british-insulation-scheme
(There may be changes to this following the electin)
Remember that if you fit insulation, make sure that you have adequate ventilation.
Southampton’s Superhome in Highfield shows what can be done in an ordinary home to increase energy efficiency https://superhomes.org.uk/homes/j-adrian-pickering/
Cheap ways to save including thing switching off at mains when not in use, using a washing line to dry clothes and using a smart meter or energy monitor to see what uses most power in your home.
Gas heating is a big part of a home’s carbon emissions. Don’t be seduced by the promise of hydrogen home heating. Green hydrogen is scarce and expensive, and if it’s not green it’s worse than gas.
These work by taking heat from the air or ground, typically delivering 3 or 4 times as many units of heat per unit of electricity used. They work best in well insulated properties, but a properly installed system will keep you warm for a similar cost to a gas boiler. The Government’s Boiler Upgrade Scheme offers £7500 towards the cost of installation www.gov.uk/apply-boiler-upgrade-scheme Our members with heat pumps are willing to share their experiences: see our blog about fitting an air source heat pump. Retrofit Southampton also has customer experiences.
These heat objects and people rather than the space around them. They are cheaper to install than heat pumps but more expensive to run. Portable versions may be useful if you you don’t own your home.
Unfortunately even the most modern and efficient wood burning stove, while potentially carbon-saving if you use waste wood, will add to air pollution inside and out. Much of Southampton is in a smoke controlled area so burners must be DEFRA-approved and used responsibly. See burnright.co.uk
Various places in Southampton offer a warm winter welcome to those who are worried about the cost of heating their homes. For next winter, search the www.southampton.gov.uk website for “warm welcome”
We are fortunate to live on the sunny south coast. Subsidies for solar electricity panels have ended, but it is still worth fitting solar panels. If you have a suitable roof. Many electricity companies will buy the electricity you export. If you have hot water tank (you’ll need one for a heat pump!) a solar immersion diverter will heat your water for free in summer with spare solar electricity.
SO Solar Advice (local, independent, unbiased advice on buying solar PV panels and home battery energy storage) www.facebook.com/SO.Solar.Advice
‘Green electricity tariffs don’t necessarily mean the supplier is generating green electricity or even buying it from renewable generators – they may just be buying ‘REGO’ certificates to match renewable electricity already put into the system to what their customers use. Only three suppliers offer genuinely green tariffs – but note they are not covered by OFGEM’s price cap, so may cost more.
Ecotricity www.ecotricity.co.uk
Good Energy www.goodenergy.co.uk
Green Energy www.greenenergyuk.com
Ecotricity and Green energy also offer ‘green gas (from grass and anaerobic digestion, respectively.)
Octopus energy (offers an innovative range of tariffs including one for heat pump owners) https://octopus.energy/
Because of the material and carbon footprint of manufacturing, the most environmentally-friendly appliance is generally the one you already have. If you do need a new one, choose the smallest one that meets your needs, and check out both energy efficiency and total energy consumption before buying.
Many tenants are stuck in poor quality, expensive to heat properties. Southampton Tenants Union is for private and council tenants (including students) in the SO postcode area, building a movement to fight back against the exploitation of tenants in our city and offering support and advice. Non-tenants can support it financially. www.southamptontenantsunion.org.uk
A home isn’t just about energy use. If you are refurbishing, many “green” building materials are now available, including natural paints and flooring materials such as lino (local supplier Lemon Tree Flooring 535 Winchester Rd, SO16 7DJ)
These materials may cost more, but are kinder to the environment and often more durable. Depending what you plan to do there may be cheaper options for reclaimed materials or DIY solutions. It’s amazing what you can get on sites like Freecycle www.freecycle.org Check out online suppliers.
Cement has a high carbon footprint, so using reclaimed paving etc where possible is better for the environment. Gravel allows water to flow, reducing the risk of flooding.
We need water for drinking, washing, cooking and growing food. Our water is clean enough to drink even though most of it is used outside the kitchen, yet there are parts of the world where even drinking water isn’t clean. How can we use this precious resource wisely? Southern Water is encouraging everyone to “reduce the amount of water they use from 127 litres per person, per day to 100 by 2045”. We believe it’s possible to do much better, much earlier.
Run your washing machine with full loads.
Only boil as much water as you need.
Wash the car with a bucket and sponge – or let
the rain do it!
Fit a flush saving device (or a brick!) in your cistern.
Collect shower water in a bucket and use to flush the loo.
Reuse bath or shower water to water non-edible plants.
Fit water butts.
Mulch flowerbeds to reduce water loss.
If you’d like to do more, you can find information about saving water through rainwater harvesting at Southampton’s local Superhome (well water for toilet and rainwater for washing machine) https://superhomes.org.uk/homes/j-adrian-pickering/ Also see our blog about installing a rainwater flushing system. You can find more about using rainwater and greywater at waterwise.org.uk/save-water
The water in our home and garden is only 10% of the water we use. The rest is ‘virtual’ or ‘embedded water needed to grow the food we eat and make the things we buy. Globally, we are using water at an unsustainable rate and many parts of the world are running out.
The ‘water footprints’ of everyday items like clothes and electronics are complex to work out, so the best way we can reduce this aspect of our water use is to buy fewer new things!
As a coastal city, parts of Southampton are particularly at risk from sea level rise and flooding.
Southampton City Council offers advice on flooding is at www.southampton.gov.uk/environmental-issues/flood-risk-management.
National Flood Forum (national charity dedicated to supporting and representing communities and individuals at risk of flooding) nationalfloodforum.org.uk
Environment Agency floodline (public information service providing current flood alerts and warnings and flood advice) 0845 988 1188 gov.uk/government/organisations/environment-agency
Everything that goes down your toilet, sinks and shower goes via the sewage treatment works to our waterways. Use eco-friendly washing and laundry products and avoid disposing of wet wipes and waste cooking oils, which can cause ‘fatbergs.
Washing synthetic-fibre clothes means plastic micro fibres end up in our waterways. Avoid this with a with a microfibre filter on the output from your washing machine (eg https://www.gulp.online/ or https://planetcare.org/) or using a special laundry bag eg Guppyfriend https://en.guppyfriend.com
Sewage outflows into the Itchen and other watercourses happen when too much rain overwhelms the sewage system. If rainwater from your gutters goes into the main sewer you can help by fitting a ‘leaky water butt to slow the flow. (If it doesn’t, you may be eligible for a reduced water bill.)
Friends of Itchen Estuary are working hard to persuade Southern Water to do more, including through citizen science. https://www.facebook.com/groups/1619554158560135/ or email friendsofitchenestuary[at]gmail[dot]com
Southern Water publishes near-real time information on sewage releases, but only for coastal waters, not Southampton’s rivers www.southernwater.co.uk/water-for-life/beachbuoy
Southampton is a marine city with a river at its heart. There are many places where you can enjoy our waterside. The city’s Greenways are ribbons of open space that follow stream valleys, offering green corridors for wildlife and pleasant walks for humans. www.southampton.gov.uk/people-places/
parks-open-spaces. Chessel Bay Local Nature Reserve is of great wildlife importance. At low tide, the mudflats provide major feeding grounds for wading birds and wildfowl.
Help look after our green spaces by joining a volunteer group, e.g.
Friends of Weston Shore westonshore.wordpress.com
Friends of Riverside Park friendsofriversidepark.org.uk
Friends of Freemantle Lake Park https://www.facebook.com/people/Friends-of-Freemantle-Lake-Park/100064529596413/
Our Station Walks book offers water-themed walks starting from local rail stations. Copies available at October Books.
Manufacturing causes 16% of UK carbon emissions – excluding imports. How can we meet our needs while using the planet’s resources wisely?
The most environmentally friendly item is usually the one you already have! Save money and environment by borrowing or buying second hand (see REUSE), or buying a smaller one. Refilling bottles of shampoo, cleaning fluids etc means fewer plastic containers, as do solid soaps and shampoo bars. Refill at October Books, Bitterne Park Stores and Gaia Health Store. See below for more details on these stores.
Buy/sell on a commercial site or try one of the following:
Charity shops (clothes, shoes, books, bric-a-brac and sometimes furniture and/or electrical goods – but check before donating these)
Freecycle (give away unwanted items) https://my.freecycle.org
Jamies Computers (refurbishes unwanted computer equipment for sale to the public or free to charities or low-income families) Unit 33, Mount Pleasant Industrial Estate, Mount Pleasant Road SO14 0SP www.jamies.org.uk 023 8063 2198.
Montys Bike Hub (bike recycling project) see TRAVEL section for more
SCRATCH (Dorcas Project collects furniture and Repaint Scheme collects paint, distributed to disadvantaged people) 33 Mount Pleasant Industrial Estate, SO14 0SP www.scratchcharity.co.uk 023 8077 3132
Southampton Clothes Swaps (regular clothes swapping events around the city) www.facebook.com/SouthamptonClothesSwaps
Tools for Self Reliance (local charity that refurbishes donated wood/ metalworking tools and sewing machines for use by small traders in Africa) Netley Marsh, SO40 7FY www.tfsr.org 023 8086 9697
John Lewis (accepts clothes for charity shop resale or recycling) www.johnlewis.com/our-services/fashioncycle
Emmaus (collects furniture for resale, refurbishment or upcycling in its charity shops, supporting people facing homelessness) Southampton Superstore, Unit 2, Jansen Rd SO15 5TA
Treasured Trash network (links to local groups for swapping and borrowing) www.facebook.com/nothinggoestowaste
Swaythling Station Free Shop (baby clothes and equipment) Sat am 10-12.30. (Also free food, see FOOD section)
Repairing things saves waste, resources and money. See pp for a list of repair shops in Southampton (let us know if we’ve missed any!)
SOUTHAMPTON REPAIR CAFE Our volunteer repairers will tackle most portable items including electrical, computers, sewing, jewellery, bikes etc while you watch and have a cuppa and cake.
Free entry, repairs by donation, 10.30-13.00 at:
Freemantle Baptist Church Testwood Rd, SO15 8RL (1st Sat of Feb/Apr/Jun/Aug/Oct/Dec)
St James by the Park (Shirley) Parish Hall 1a Colebrook Rd, Shirley (1st Sat of Mar/May/Jul/Sep/Nov)
St Denys Community Centre Priory Rd, SO17 2JZ (3rd Sat of Jan/Mar/May/Jul/Sep/Nov)
Immaculate Conception Church Hall 346 Portswood Rd, SO17 3SB. (3rd Sat of Feb/Apr/Jun/Aug/Oct)
More information at https://transitionsouthampton.org
Other local repair cafes https://therestartproject.org/networks/hampshire
So Make It (Southampton Makerspace) (for anyone who likes making things – wood/metal work, 3D printing, robotics, sewing, baking etc etc – to share knowledge, skills and tools), Unit K6 Pitt Rd, Liners Industrial Estate, Freemantle SO15 3FQ somakeit.org.uk
Mens Sheds places to practice skills and enjoy making and mending as well as building social connections and sharing skills and knowledge. Despite the name, many welcome women too.
Shirley Mens Shed http://shed.stjamesroad.co.uk
Southampton Scrapstore (surplus, reject & waste materials from business for reuse by groups, schools & individuals) Unit 15, Belgrave Industrial Estate, Swaythling SO17 3EA southamptonscrapstore.org.uk
The Sewing Hub community space offering sewing classes as well as an alterations and bespoke design/make service. Unity 12, 9-19 Rose Road https://sewinghub.co.uk
See the Repairs and Spares page on SoCAN’s website for a list of repair shops in Southampton
If it can’t be reused or repaired, recycle it – but make sure you only put suitable items in recycling bins, otherwise the whole batch may be rejected.
Southampton doorstep collections:
Grey box glass (bottles and jars only – pyrex, wine-glasses etc are the wrong type of glass)
Blue-lidded bin cans, aerosols (except those with “skull & crossbones” on), plastic bottles, paper and cardboard – please no plastic pots, tubs, trays or lids
Brown-lidded bin garden waste (flowers, fallen fruit, prunings)
Household waste recycling centre (HWRC) electrical, batteries, fluorescent lamps, toxic waste, paint, garden waste, rubble, waste engine oil etc) City Depot and Recycling Park, First Avenue SO15 0LJ. Southampton residents can use other Hampshire HWRCs. Cars must be pre-registered and online booking may be necessary.
Charity textile banks (clothes, shoes etc) – find them in your local supermarket or council car park
Mobile phones taken by many charity shops, otherwise should go to the HWRC so the rare metals in them can be recovered. Apple stores will take old iphones and mac computers
Southampton Wood recycling project (timber for DIY projects, firewood & kindling etc) Unit Z, Willments Industrial Estate, Hazel Road, Woolston SO19 7HS southamptonwoodrecycling.org.uk
Printer cartridges often taken by retailers when you buy new
Plastic bags taken by many supermarkets. Not for recycle bins or banks.
Batteries taken by DIY stores and some supermarkets. Don’t put in waste bin.
Charities often collect items such as aluminium foil or inkjet cartridges for recycling.
Southampton Wood recycling project (timber for DIY projects, firewood & kindling etc) Unit Z, Willments Industrial Estate, Hazel Road, Woolston SO19 7HS southamptonwoodrecycling.org.uk
Southampton Special Purposes Workshop (SSPW) (accepts old electrical items etc for recycling; items are stripped by service users). Workshop: 46-48 Clausentum Rd Portswood SO14 6RZ 023 80338452 www.sspw.co.uk
Southampton City Council’s A-Z of recycling shows what you can you can recycle in Southampton
If you need to buy new, help the environment and people by choosing eco-friendly, ethical and fairly traded items. While sometimes more expensive these may last longer, or contain fewer toxic chemicals, or be made in a factory that treats workers fairly, or by a company that does not test on animals or avoid paying tax.
Shop Local Southampton (somewhere to share local alternatives to the usual chains, hidden gems, and support local business and the community) https://shoplocalsouthampton.com
Lush (hand made soaps, shampoo bars etc not tested on animals and with minimal packing), Unit 44, West Quay, SO15 1QD uk.lush.com/shop
October Books (books and fairtrade goods including food and refillable cleaning products) 189 Portswood Road SO17 2WX
Gaia Health Store (cruelty-free, plastic-free packaging, refills) 22 Carlton Place Southampton, SO15 2DY www.gaiahealthstore.co.uk
Carlton Place Market (1st Sat each month, arts & crafts, baked goods, local produce bath & body, jewellery,clothing; organised by Gaia Health Store)
Willow and Crafts (willow sculptures, workshops, & activities, community and creative, land art projects, working with willow and hedgerow, found and reusing materials) https://willowandcrafts.co.uk
Obvs Skincare (suitable for adults and children who may be prone to eczema/psoriasis/acne, all sustainably packaged using zero plastic) Unit 3B Stone Pier Boatyard, SO31 9FR https://obvs-skincare.co.uk
Sea Ranger (Southampton based online shop that sells sustainable clothing products like Hoodies, T-Shirts, and Jumpers for men, women, and children, printed with customisable messages about ocean pollution) https://searanger.uk
Southampton Special Purposes Workshop (items made by services users for sale include garden furniture, bird feeders etc) Shop: 43b Bridge Rd Woolston SO19 7GP 023 8043 8021 www.sspw.co.uk
Ethical Consumer magazine & website (investigates and rates the ethics of companies across a wide range of criteria (animal cruelty, worker rights, environment etc) and products www.ethicalconsumer.org
In Southampton, a third of households don’t have access to a car. How can our travel choices help create a city that is easy to move around and where the air is clean and streets belong to people?
If you need to drive, see the tips below for driving to save fuel. Choose the smallest car that meets your needs, for lower emissions, materials, wear and tear on road – and easier to park.
Electric cars are less polluting and produce less carbon dioxide, but they still use lots of resources and mining the minerals for batteries can be very polluting, so it can be better to keep your existing car unless it needs scrapping. Simply replacing all petrol and diesel cars with electric won’t reduce congestion!
Keep tyres pumped to correct pressure.
Remove roof racks when not in use.
Drive at a steady speed – avoid rapid acceleration and braking.
Switch off engine when stationary.
Open a window for “air-conditioning”.
For short journeys walk, bus or cycle. See My Journey Southampton for links to public transport, walking and cycling routes around the city: myjourneysouthampton.com
If your mileage is less than 6000 miles/year it can actually be cheaper to hire, join a car club or use taxis.
Southampton: Need a lift? (facebook group for lift sharing) https://www.facebook.com/groups/521486294699081/
Enterprise Car Club (hire a car, several showrooms in Southampton) https://www.enterprisecarclub.co.uk
BlaBla Car (car sharing platform, also offers some cheap bus rides) http://www.blablacar.com/
Hiyacar (peer to peer car rental) www.hiyacar.co.uk
My Journey Southampton has links to public transport, walking and cycling routes around the city including a journey planner myjourneysouthampton.com
Visit one of Southampton’s 9 railway stations for tickets and travel advice or an online rail planners such as www.gwr.com
Southampton is served by:
Bluestar (travel shop at 14 Bargate St, SO14 2DA)
Xelabus (mainly schools & colleges)
Use the My Journey planner or the Breeze app (allows you to plan your journey and even buy tickets) https://breezeuk.app
Voi Scooters www.voiscooters.com
Beryl Bikes hire via the Beryl app https://beryl.cc/
or Breeze app https://breezeuk.app/
Cycle Travel Southampton (bike routes around Southampton) https://cycle.travel/city/southampton
GETTING A BIKE (see also bike shops in the SoCAN Repairs and Spares page)
Montys Bike Hub bike recycling project 59 Montague Avenue, Sholing SO19 0QB montysbikehub.org
Riding in traffic is not actually as scary as it appears at first. But for new and returning cyclists, tuition makes all the difference. Businesses offering cycle training in Southampton include:
Sound Cycling soundcycling.co.uk 07952 314 768
Cycleright 123cycleright.co.uk 07845 306904
Montys Bike Hub (family cycle skills workshops, see above)
BIKE REPAIR (see also bike shops in the SoCAN Repairs and Spares page)
Southampton Repair Cafe includes bike repair, see REPAIR section
Southampton Bike Kitchen (fix your own bike under supervision) every Wednesday 7-9pm at The Hub Cycleworks, The Hub Cycleworks, Unit 12 Belgrave Industrial Estate, SO17 3EA southamptonbikekitchen.wordpress.com
Montys Bike Hub (Bike Dr and learn to maintain and fix your own bike) 59 Montague Avenue, Sholing SO19 0QB montys.org.uk/bike-hub
See also myjourneysouthampton.com/cycle/looking-after-your-bike
Southampton Cargo Bikes (regular short family-friendly rides around the city – you don’t need a cargo bike or a family to join in!) https://www.facebook.com/groups/Southamptoncargobicycles/
Breeze Rides (gentle rides which aim to get women cycling for fun) https://www.letsride.co.uk/breeze
Kiddical Mass (family friendly massed rides) www.facebook.com/KidicalMassSouthampton/
See also myjourneysouthampton.com/cycle
Southampton Cycling Campaign (rides, socials and more. Works to improve cycling facilities in Southampton in association with city council transport officers; Membership is free) southamptoncyclingcampaign.org.uk
There’s no getting away from the fact that flying is the most environmentally damaging form of transport. Don’t be fooled by claims of ‘sustainable aviation fuel’ and electric or hydrogen planes.
A ‘holiday’ doesn’t have to mean flying abroad! There are many attractive and interesting places within easy public transport reach of Southampton, or make train travel part of your holiday on the continent.
Green Tourism (directory of “green” UK holidays, attractions and hotels) green-tourism.com
Find places to walk in Southampton and Hampshire, including nature and history trails, Health Walks and more myjourneysouthampton.com/walk
Southampton Ramblers www.ramblers.org.uk/southampton
See Southampton www.seesouthampton.co.uk/
Walking Meetups in Southampton lists several groups and events in Southampton
– search on ‘Walking’ and ‘Southampton’ at https://www.meetup.com
Go Jauntly walking app https://www.gojauntly.com/
Station Walks (our popular walks book published with Three Rivers Rail partnership; available in October Books) Facebook page for sharing stories of walks from the book https://www.facebook.com/stationwalks/
Around a quarter of global carbon emissions are from agriculture, How can we choose food that is healthy, tasty and helps reduce emissions without exploiting those who produce it
Supporting local food sellers rather than big supermarkets helps the local economy and often means less packaging waste, too.
Bitterne Park Stores (local fruit & veg, dairy and groceries, local alcohol, household products, refills, minimal packaging) 25 Manor Farm Rd. Also delivers via https://bitternebox.co.uk/
Gannaways Greengrocers (local fruit & veg wherever possible) 419 Bitterne Road
Roebridge Greengrocers (some local produce) 217 Portswood Rd
Aldermoor Community Farm (shop open 9-5, Weds & Sats) Aldermoor Road
Riverford home delivery, organic foods Riverford.co.uk
Your local milkman can deliver milk (incl oat milk and organic milk) in reusable glass bottles. Also juices, groceries, baked goods and more:
Milk & More milkandmore.co.uk 0345 606 3606
Modern Milkman themodernmilkman.co.uk
Gaia Health Store (organic, vegetarian, plastic-free packaging, refills) 22 Carlton Place, Southampton
Bakery Down the Lane (bakery run by Mencap) pop in on Thurs or order via www.southamptonmencap.org/enterprises
October Books (fairtrade and organic foodstuffs) 189 Portswood Road
Made In Here Southampton based online shop, focused on providing good, locally sourced and ethical goodies madeinhere.co.uk
A community pantry or food club is a place where for a small membership fee you can get food at lower prices
Round About Community Café (Community Pantry and cafe) Westfield Corner, Swaythling
Southampton Social Aid Group 11.30-13.30, all welcome. Mon – Woolston Trades & Labour Club, Leighton Road; Tue – Unity Brewing Co, Princes Street, Northam; Thu – Stephen’s Dance Centre, Oakley Road, Shirley.
Oasis Community Pantry Thu 9.30-13.00, Sholing Football Club, Mackoy Stadium, Portsmouth Rd
Swaythling Station Free Shop (free supermarket surplus food, also donations from individuals. Includes a baby store) Sat am 10-12.30. Bread and bananas often available when station office is open
Food Cycle Southampton (welcomes anyone to enjoy a free hot meat-free meal made from supermarket surplus food) 6pm Weds, Sholing Salvation Army, 93 North East Rd
Feed the Community Project (redistributes donated fruit & veg, Fridays 11-12.30) St Denys Church grounds, Dundee Road
Southampton Sunday Lunch project (a warm Sunday meal, to all those in need within a friendly, relaxed. Based on donations including surplus food from supermarkets) St Marks Institute, Victoria Rd Woolston SO19 9DY southamptonsundaylunch.org.uk
Eat leftovers: for recipes see lovefoodhatewaste.com
Eat less meat: meat and dairy has a bigger carbon footprint than plant-based foods.
Eat seasonally: out of season food is often shipped from the other side of the world or grown in heated greenhouses here.
Choose fairtrade: look for the fairtrade symbol which helps ensure producers get a fair deal
Kates Cafe Lounge (local and ethical food) 227 Portswood Rd
Cafe Thrive (vegan, fairtrade, some organic) 18 Hanover Buildings
Veg Out Community Pop Up Vegan Cafe Mons (except bank hols) 10-4 October Books, 189 Portswood Road
Happy Bean Coffee Bar (ethically sourced coffee, local vegan baked goods etc) 66 Bedford place
Parklife Community Cafe (social enterprise cafe, open daily) St James Park, Shirley www.facebook.com/parklifecommunitycafe
Sunflower Cafe, Mayfield Garden Centre, Mayfield Park, Weston Lane
Baboo Ji 273 Portswood Rd
Kesarum 25 High Street and Padharo100 East St
More links to veg/vegan eating out at https://solentveg.org.uk
Dancing Man Town Quay SO14 2AR (also restaurant)
Unity Brewing Co 23-27 Princes Street (includes tap room)
Butchers Hook 7 Manor Farm Road (real ale micro pub)
Home grown food is fresher and often tastier than shop bought. You don’t need a large plot – even a window box or balcony can be used for salad greens or tomatoes. See our vegtopia in suburbia blog on veg growing in the front garden
If you don’t have a garden, try an allotment – see southampton.gov.uk/people-places/parks-open-spaces/allotments
Southampton Allotment and Garden Association (SAGA) (events and trading sheds where you can buy seeds and plants) https://www.saga-info.org.uk/
You can save your own veg seeds (except F1 hybrids, which wont breed true). Easy ones are tomatoes, peas, beans and lettuce. At the Southampton Seedswap each February you can swap seeds or buy them cheaply and get advice on how to save seeds www.facebook.com/southamptonseedswap/
Southampton National Park City have started a garden tool library with kits available to borrow at Aldermoor Farm and Sholing Valleys study centre. https://southampton-national-park.com/garden-tool-library/
You can compost anything that has ever lived, including cooked food and meat and dairy, which actually compost very well! Our rat-proof composting project offers compost collars which fit most ‘dalek type bins to keep rats out. Available at cost via https://transitionsouthampton.org/rat-proof-composting/
Avoid composting invasive weeds and diseased plants. Mix sappy material like grass mowings with tougher items like dry bedding plants or cardboad. You can add autumn leaves to compost but if you have a lot, collect them separately in a leaf-mould bin.
When buying compost choose peat-free. Peat bogs help absorb carbon, and destroying them makes climate change worse.
If you don’t have a garden or prefer gardening with others, you could join a community garden instead.
Aldermoor Community Farm Aldermoor Road, SO16 5NN aldermoorfarm.org.uk 023 8218 2716
Southampton City Farm Oasis Academy Lords Hill, Green Lane https://www.southamptoncityfarm.com/
Ropewalk Community Garden (walled garden of exotic and everyday trees, plants and shrubs) 53 Derby Road, Bevois, SO14 0DJ
Shirley Warren Community Garden 107-117 Warren Crescent,
Woolston Community Garden Woolston Comm Centre, Church Rd
Veracity Community Orchard Merryoak Rd
St Denys Front gardens Plus https://www.facebook.com/FrontGardensPlus/
Our Bitterne Park Growing Places project aims to get Bitterne Park growing, though seed & plant swaps,
sharing knowledge, harvest festivals and more) facebook.com/groups/bitterneparkgrowingplaces
Our Polygon Growing Places project follows a similar model. If you’d like to set up something in your own area please contact us!
Lend and tend matches people with gardens to people who want to garden https://www.lendandtend.com/
Pickwell Farm (pick your own fresh fruit and veg in season) Grange Rd, Netley pickwellfarm.co.uk/home 023 8040 4616
Mencap Gardening & Maintenance (MG&M) basic gardening and maintenance requirements by Mencap service users (Mon-Tue) https://www.southamptonmencap.org/enterprises
Primrose Cottage Gardening Co-operative Ltd (Southampton-based co-op offering gardening services) facebook.com/primrosecottagegarden
Mayfield Garden Centre (plants at affordable prices, profits help people with mental health issues and learning disabilities working at the nursery) Mayfield Park, Weston Lane mayfieldnurseries.org.uk
Garden Organic (advice on organic gardening) gardenorganic.org.uk
Real Seed Catalogue incl info on how to save seeds!) realseeds.co.uk
Tamar Organics (organic veg seeds etc) tamarorganics.co.uk
The Organic Gardening Catalogue (organic veg seeds etc) organiccatalogue.com
Britain has lost a lot of its biodiversity, so gardens are now very important for wildlife.
Wildlife loves a garden that isn’t too tidy! Bring in invertebrates with a log pile (or even a stick pile), a bug hotel or a range of nooks and crannies around the garden. A 13cmx13cm hole at the base of a fence lets hedgehogs move freely between gardens. Feed them with hedgehog food or cat/dog food, never with milk which they can’t digest.
Native plants and shrubs are best for insects, but non-natives still have value. Single flowers are better than double. Try for variety, with plants that flower at different times seasons.
Put in a pond if you can, even a small one draws frogs – which return the favour by eating slugs! (Make sure hedgehogs can climb out.)
Avoid fake lawns – they are made of plastic, offer nothing to wildlife, have a big carbon footprint and can make flooding worse.
Bees are among the best pollinators. Supporting wild bees with habitats and open flowers is better for the environment than keeping honeybees which can out-compete our native bees when food is scarce – although if you want honey you won’t get it from wild bees!
Our Green Gardening Consultancy offers advice from an ecologist on how to make your garden more wildlife-friendly. Available for a £10 donation, within walking distance of Portswood only.
A city is not just a place – it is people too! How can we build a Southampton where everyone feels part of a community and where everyone has support to meet their needs?
Southampton Sunday Lunch project and Food Cycle Southampton (free meals) see FOOD section
Montys Community Hub (a place to meet up,get active, make new friends, learn new skills, improve job prospects, get help and advice, and have fun!) 59 Montague Avenue, Sholing SO19 0QB montys.org.uk
Denys Friendlies (free dementia-friendly drop-in Social morning with games, activities and refreshments) 10am–12noon, St Denys Church
October Books Community Hub (More than just a bookshop: local, radical and eco-friendly!) 189 Portswood Road SO17 2WX octoberbooks.org
Community Centres: find your local community centre in Southampton at southampton.gov.uk/people-places/community-places-rights/
We Make Southampton (social enterprise that makes films about and for Southampton, to improve the future of its people!) wemakesouthampton.co.uk
Southampton Tenants Union (support and advice for private and council tenants, including students, in the SO postcode area. Non-tenants can support financially) www.southamptontenantsunion.org.uk
Cimate eMotion Cafe (for people who are struggling with eco-anxiety, a confidential space for people to explore how these topics make us feel) Every 2nd Sat, October Books www.octoberbooks.org/blog/southampton-climate-cafe
Board in the City (games cafe with an interest in helping the local community, food and drink locally sourced where possible) 38-40 Onslow Road SO14 0JG www.boardinthecity.co.uk
SoCAN organises seasonal gatherings open to everyone interested in environmental and social issues affecting our city www.sotoncan.org.uk/calendar
People Planet Pint (global network of local events where you can learn about sustainability and connect with like-minded people over a free drink or pastry) 3rd Tues, Belgium And Blues, 184 Above Bar Street SO14 7DW http://peopleplanetpint.co.uk (search for Southampton)
Southampton Voluntary Services (SVS) (umbrella body for local voluntary and community groups, provides information on volunteering in the city) Kingsland Square, SO14 1NW southamptonvs.org.uk
Many groups listed in this guide welcome volunteers, including our Repair Cafe and other projects. More options below:
The Hawthorns Urban Wildlife Centre (information about out city’s biodiversity; also has a cafe) Southampton Common, SO15 3NN southampton.gov.uk/people-places/parks-open-spaces/hawthorns/
The Conservation Volunteers (help reclaim green places, creating healthier and happier communities for everyone) tcv.org.uk/about
Friends of the Earth (local action on issues such as climate change, biodiversity pollution) email foesoton@gmail.com https://groups.friendsoftheearth.uk/groups/southampton-friends-earth
Greenpeace (peaceful direct action on environmental issues) search for Southampton at https://greenwire.greenpeace.org.uk/s/groups
Southampton Real Nappy Network (Local action, support and socials on nappies and wider green parenting advice) facebook.com/groups/SouthamptonRealNappyNetwork
Groups working to improve their local area or green space
Living Lordswood https://livinglordswood.org.uk
Friends of Weston Shore westonshore.wordpress.com
Friends of Riverside Park friendsofriversidepark.org.uk
Friends of Freemantle Lake Park https://www.facebook.com/groups/155030348372433/
Friends of Peartree Green www.friendsofpeartreegreen.org.uk
Outer Avenue Residents Association https://outeravenueresidents.co.uk
Friends of Portswood Rec https://friendsofportswoodrec.uk
Southampton Old Cemetery https://fosoc.org
Friends of St James Park https://fosjp.org.uk
Friends of Town Quay Park https://friendsoftownquaypark.org.uk
Woolston Millennium Garden http://woolstonmillenniumgarden.org
Hampshire Conservation Volunteers (HCV) (maintenance work on paths, fences, ponds, trees on sites that support wildlife) hcv.org.uk
Sholing Valley Study Centre (Environmental Study Centre set up to preserve Millers Pond and educate the public about this unique environment and its wildlife) Station Rd, Sholing, SO19 8FP http://sholingvalleys.org.uk
Friends of Shirley Park Pond www.facebook.com/Friendsofshirleypondpark/
Money spent in big chain stores often leaves the city. How can we spend and invest our money to support thriving local shops and help protect the planet?
Make my money matter is a national campaign to spread the message that we can use our money to reduce climate change https://makemymoneymatter.co.uk/
Not a ‘local currency’ like the Bristol pound bristolpound.org or Lewes Pound thelewespound.org but a term used by Southampton City Council for actions to promote social value and community wealth building – the idea that money generated by Southampton’s economy should be kept within our local economy. See SoCAN’s film about Doughnut Economics and Communty Wealth Building https://www.youtube.com/watch?si=1nDKm1sLycGp7ySy&v=SOs5T-R2p8k&feature=youtu.be
Opportunities to invest in local ethical businesses sometimes come up – in recent years these have included West Solent Solar Coop and October Books as well as the much missed Rice-Up deli. When we hear of them we publicise them in our newsletter. You can sign up at https://transitionsouthampton.org/(But remember that the value of investments can go down as well as up!)
Wessex Community Bank (exclusively serves local people across Hampshire, reinvests profits into the local community; includes current account) wessexcommunitybank.org
Triodos Bank (only lends to businesses that promote positive change; totally transparent about who it lends to; includes current account) triodos.co.uk
Co-operative Bank (despite its troubles, still one of the moth ethical banks. www.co-operativebank.co.uk There is a customer union dedicated to ensuring it keeps its ethical principles and returns to cooperative ownership saveourbank.coop
Ecology Building Society (ethical savings, offers discounts on mortgages for green measures/ eco builds) ecology.co.uk 01535 650 770
The interlinked crises of climate change, resource over-use and biodiversity loss are urgent and we are past the point where small individual actions are enough. We can all play our part by setting an example in our own lifestyle, using our vote wisely and helping create a climate where politicians feel empowered to take the hard decisions needed. Real action on these issues needn’t make us poorer – it could instead help us to live happier, healthier greener lives where everyone on the planet has enough and we don’t take more from the earth than it can give.
The Green Stories Project aims to create a body of work that entertains and informs about green solutions, inspires green behaviour and raises awareness of the necessary transformations towards a sustainable economy. It includes free writing competitions, publications and partnerships with writers and policymakers www.greenstories.org.uk
Trees for Life
Annual free event for families to plant a tree to celebrate babies born in Southampton, leaving a lasting legacy for everyone to enjoy and helping to make the city greener www.southampton.gov.uk/ people- places/parks-open-spaces/trees/trees-for-life/
If you’ve tried to live sustainably you may want to carry on your principles after your life is over. For advice on green funerals contact the Natural Death Centre In The Hill House, Watley Lane, Twyford, Winchester SO21 1QX naturaldeath.org.uk
None in Southampton, but (fairly) nearby we have:
South Downs Natural Burial Site Droxford Road, East Meon GU32 1HR sustainability-centre.org
Hinton Park Woodland Burial Ground Wyndham Road, Walkford, Hinton, Christchurch, BH23 7EJ
To leave your body to medical science contact Centre for Learning Anatomical Sciences, Mailpoint 845, South Academic Block, Southampton General Hospital SO16 6YD southampton.ac.uk/clas/bequeathals/
Dead Good Days Southampton …for anyone in our city who might, one day, die www.deadgooddays.com