Our inaugural Autumn Climate Gathering was held in November at October Books. It was set-up to provide an opportunity for people around Southampton to gather, meet and share. Share our concerns, share our successes, and share our hopes and dreams for a better future. So many groups around the city all work so hard, with little time and space to simply be together. So we wanted to create a space, open it up, and see what happens.
The gathering also happened to coincide with Transition Southampton’s 15 year anniversary – a great excuse for cake!
Around 45 people came along representing various groups from around Southampton. Here’s a summary of a few things that happened at the event.
The Celebration Board
The end of the year is a natural time to reflect and celebrate and we did that that using our celebration board.

Here’s what people added. Although, in many ways it’s been a difficult year, there’s so much to be thankful for!
- Brilliant Transition Talks this year
- 1st Green Councillor
- 5 years of rat proof composting
- 3rd successful year of Bitterne Park Growing Places
- Marlhill Copse saved from being devastated
- 15 years of amazing projects
- 9 years of repair cafes
- Growing SOCAN
- 20mph speed limits
- New Friends of Itchen Estuary
- Scrutiny enqury into River Itchen
- TREEmendous happy memories
- Swift boxes in Totton
- Olio app saves tons of food waste
- Totton goes Wild festival
- Eastleigh Community Fridays
- Meeting people & being inspired by them
Leaves on The Autumn Tree
We harvested our thoughts and ideas, as we turn to the new year, sharing our concerns, hopes, wishes and dreams for Southampton in 2024.

Here are the leaves (and mushrooms) people added. A wonderful variety of thoughts and reflections.
- Cleaner air x2
- Who is speaking for newborns
- Amber warning: if we let things slide it will be too late
- People before profit
- Cleaner water
- Giving unwanted items away: Olio app, facebook groups
- The green areas of our city are becoming havens of biodiversity
- People wake up!
- Happy but not complacent
- To stand together against corruption. People’s voice
- Concerned for our trees: heat, flood and fire
- Celebrate what we have! invite others
- More activity across diverse communities
- A space to explore climate resilience through meditation, discussion and reflection
- The tall trees of Marlhill need protection
- Clothing – repurposing and reusing
- Buying half-used tins of paint (sustainable, eco-friendly paint)
- Education through art. Art=Activism
- Hoping for a new government + change
- We’re arresting the wrong people!
- Soton Climate Choir
- Shanti Green
- Lots of groups doing good
Film Showcase
We also played some films from various groups around Southampton.
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