What if…Bitterne Park grew enough food to share? Or just had fun growing veg with the kids? In gardens, on balconies, on patios, in plastic bags, in big pots, in planters?
Over 160 families and individuals have already started growing veg, so you’ll find plenty of pics, news and support on our Facebook page as they share their progress or via our occasional email updates – sign up at bitterneparkseeds@gmail.com
How did your garden grow? Or not!
The story so far
1. At the beginning of 2021 we got a small grant of £500 (from Transition Bounce Forward) and a big donation of seeds (from Cultivation Street) and created a web page (www.bpgp.org) and a Facebook page
2. In March the seeds went out to over 160 homes in Bitterne Park.
3. On 8th May we had a plant and seed swap and trail all around Bitterne Park which went really well.

4. On 14th August we ran Top of the Crops at TriFest on Riverside Park. Loads of people turned up and it was a lovely day.

BUT we had the coldest, most horrible Spring for over 60 years! If your plants didn’t survive, it wasn’t your fault. None of the plants I started off indoors survived, but those I planted out in June (!) did quite well, and I heard that story from many people.
What next? Would you like the project to continue? Is there anything you would like to have that wasn’t possible this year? Classes for newbies? Specific “how to” Zoom or in person sessions? Any other kind of events? A community garden? A community orchard? More trees? Garden sharing? Anything else?
Come and see us on Saturday, 13th November at Bitterne Park Triangle between 12-3pm -tell us your ideas for next year and collect some spring bulbs or seeds!
Would you like to be part of a “What next” group of five or six people which will meet from early November to January/February next year to plan “what next”? Please get in touch if this appeals to you. I’ve heard rumours that there may be more funding to apply for very soon…..
Finally, I’d like to say a big “thank you” to Katie, Joss, and Clare and the steering group for their help with the seed and plant trail, to Ziggy, Rhia, Carol, Paul and Sonia (Southampton Allotments and Garden Association) for all their hard work organising Top of the Crops, to Si James for creating the web page and graphics and to Si, Paul, Jon and Nicky for volunteering to be the steering group at the beginning of the project.
Many thanks for all your enthusiasm, and looking forward to hearing from you.
For more information, join the Bitterne Park Growing Places Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/bitterneparkgrowingplaces or email us at bitterneparkseeds@gmail.com
Information sheets
Thanks to Carol Masters for preparing the information sheets
Join our Group
If you would like to learn from other members of the community or have experience you would like to share, there are a few online groups you can join to ask questions, answer questions and just share your progress and experience. Join Bitterne Park Growing Places to get started!
Frequently Asked Questions
I’m new to growing stuff, how do I get help?
Join our Facebook group and ask questions. YouTube and Google are also great places to ask questions.
Will the events be Covid safe?
Yes, we will follow the guidelines in force at the time of each event.
Get in touch – Any questions or want to get involved?
If you have ideas to share, questions to ask or are associated with a school or group that would like to work with us, drop us a message.
Our Goals
- Provide communities with the seeds and information they need to grow their own food
- Connect our communities through the shared joy of growing food
- Hold a mini harvest festival in Bitterne Park to share our produce!
The project is inspired, by Transition Southampton’s Imagine Southampton, St Denys Front Gardens Plus group, and Rob Hopkins’ book: From what is to What If – Unleashing the power of imagination to create the future we want and also by Green Island Veg Economy on the Isle of Wight, whose creation by Holly Masden early in the pandemic envisaged a community growing enough food to share.
Thank You to our supporters
Thank you to Haskins Garden Centre and the Cultivation Streets charity for supplying seeds to be distributed.
Thank you to the Transition Bounce Forward Project and the People’s Lottery Community Fund for providing some funding to help get the project off the ground.