Started in 2019, the Transition Talks are presentations given by volunteers followed by open discussions. They can cover any topic a presenter wants to put forward.
Following our well attended series on Energy at Highfield Church Centre, we continued with a series on Water. Future talks are on hold, pending suggestions for new topics!
Previous titles have included:
- Net Zero: film and discussion evening
- Clearing the air: neighbourhood air pollution and what we can do about it
- Living without plastics
- Aviation, climate change and carbon offsetting
- Energy in Southampton
- Trees are not just for Christmas
- All things Energy
- Capitalism and the environment
- 2021 Gardening, Biodiversity and Environment Series:
- Biodiversity
- Rewilding
- Composting
- Gardening for wildlife
- Ponds, Pools and Puddles
- Heat pumps, hydrogen and hype: options for decarbonising home heating and transport
- Wind Energy: a local success story
- Plastic free Christmas (workshop)
- 2022 Energy series:
Insulation, Insulation, Insulation: improving the performance of your home.
Draughts, Damp And Well Being: Cheap and effective ways to save energy and money
Heat Pump And Be Merrie: Can I install a heat pump in my house? Will it work well? Will it save me money? - 2023 Water series:
Water in the Landscape
Water in the Garden
Water in the Home
Water in Everything, Everywhere
Got an idea for a talk?
Get in touch if there is a topic you would like covered or if there’s something you would like to present.