Net Zero – what can we do? Film and discussion evening 7.30pm 25 Sept at October Books, 189 Portswood Rd SO17 2NF

For decades carbon emissions have been rising and the impacts of climate change increasing, but what do we really need to do to reach ‘net zero’? What does net zero actually mean? Can we rely on technologies that don’t yet exist at scale? What behaviour changes are needed? Come along and watch 2 short films on what can be done. No need to book, just turn up. Entry is free but donations towards hall hire welcomed.

Earlir this year we ran a discussion evening based around the Real Climate Solutions videos These six short, clear and well-researched from Cambridge scientists take a comprehensive view of the issues, investigate possible solutions and make recommendations for what needs to be done. Film 1 introduces the topic and explains some of the problems we will face if we don’t act in time, including food shortages due to the impact of rising temperatures on crop yields. Film 2 looks at some of the ‘red herrings’ and film 3 investigates the proposed technological solutions in more detail, highlighting that there is now not time enough for them to be deployed at sufficient scale. Film 4 then looks at what it means to live within our means with the amount of renewable energy we are likely to have in the years to 2050 and concludes we can live well.

Our follow up meeting 7.30pm on 25 September at October Books will introduce the last two films which focus on what can be done, both by individuals and by new businesses taking advantage of the opportunities presented by the need to decarbonise. We encourage attendees to watch the first 4 films before coming. After the films we will have a discussion.