Southampton Airport Application to Fell Trees at Marhill Copse

Southampton Airport has restarted its plans to fell the tallest trees at Marlhill Copse during the COVID-19 lockdown. In addition, the decision making process for this application is reason for concern as the Southampton City Council Tree Officer alone will be making the decision on this application. Therefore there will be no debate or scrutiny. It has also been revealed that the consultation period will be very short, “the application will be decided by a delegated officer and as soon as practicable after the date it was registered.” (Sunday 29th March)

If you wish to object, please follow the steps below:

Step 1 
Go to–O0tYY5epGmXkH4JGAs2YeMxpC2r1lV8  

Step 2
Log in, click on the “Search” button in the top left, then select “Simple search” 

Step 3
Paste application number 20/00067/TPO

Step 4
Read (and copy) other comments or compose your own.  

The first phase includes 3 of the Monterey Pines that were included in last year’s attempt to chop trees on the bogus grounds of interfering with air safety. The new convenient reason given is that “The trees are up to 33 metres in height and although a significant feature within the landscape these trees are considered to be at the end of their safe, useful life expectancy”. If the City Council accepts this new argument, a large number of Monterey pines of similar age will need to be felled throughout the City. These trees are of the size that a University of Southampton report commissioned by SCC says that the City needs more of.