Green Open Doors Event

Provisional dates 13-21 September 2025 – call for volunteers!

Word of mouth is the most effective way to engage people, spread knowledge and encourage uptake of environmental footprint reducing measures. Our previous Open Homes Weekends, held in 2010 and 2012, saw homes across Southampton open their doors to the public to showcase a range of energy reducing, eco-friendly features and tips. The weekends enabled visitors to see what’s possible and get unbiased opinions from people who had already made changes to reduce their energy use.

So much has changed since then and we are now planning an event for September 2025. We are seeking offers from people prepared in principle to open their homes – or local small businesses – to show visitors what they have done to reduce their impact on the environment. This could be anything from low-cost improvements or behaviour changes to big ticket items. We are looking for properties of all types, from flats to detached houses, from rental to ownership, because there are things you can do whatever your situation. You won’t have to open for the whole period and we are proposing to run a booking system to make sure you are in control of who comes when. We are also looking for volunteers to help run the event, everything from organising to marketing. Please get in touch via chair[at]transitionsouthampton[dot]org

We plan to follow the guidance from the green homes network. We will provide help and advice to householders opening their homes. Please note we will not be publishing addresses of open homes on the website.

Does your home/business/lifestyle have any of the following?

  • Growing your own food
  • Composting 
  • Rainwater harvesting
  • Solar water heating
  • Home insulation
  • Solar panels and batteries
  • Recycling and waste reduction
  • Heat pumps
  • Low cost improvements and behaviour changes
  • Sustainable travel methods
  • Something else we haven’t thought of which helps the environment
The Open Homes Guide 2010 provided a map and description of all the homes on display. We repeated the event in 2012 and want to do another for2025.

Some of our members have blogged about greening their homes:
From gas boiler to air source heat pump
Rainwater flushing
You can also find more examples at Retrofit Southampton